Some resources for Product Owners

Below are my recommended public resources for Product owners or anyone who is interested at Scrum: Let's get the fundamentals right with Agile manifesto - Scrum guide - Let's go »

Creating an effective strategy

I would like to share what I have learned at one of the MIT executive program "Developing and Managing a Successful Technology and Product Strategy" by Prof. Pierre Azoulay. I was impressed by the simplicity and effectiveness of this framework »

Mobile Development in Agile

A good friend of mine has recommended me to convert slides into a LinkedIN post and I liked the idea of doing it. The information on Agile/Scrum prepared below is based on the materials from Dr. Jeff Sutherland and »

My First Docker deployment

After a few tries, got my first docker blog up and running in a production mode with a local ghost clone volume mapped. Below was my docker run command : docker run -e NODE_ENV=production -v $localpath_of_your_ghost_ »